What is calcium?

Calcium is a vital mineral, in terms of quantity the most important in the human body. Almost 100% of calcium is contained in bones and teeth-calcium keeps bones and teeth stable. Calcium is also an important factor in blood coagulation and is essential for the function of every body cell: it stabilizes the cell walls, is involved in the signal transmission in the cell and in the transmission of stimuli in the nervous system (e. g. B. Hearing, seeing, touching the skin) and involved in the muscles.

What are the benefits of taking calcium?

Calcium is an important element for the human body, as it is involved in many important functions. Here are some of the most important functions of calcium:

-Bone structure and preservation: Calcium is an important component of bones and teeth and helps keep them strong and healthy.

-Muscle contraction and transmission of nerve impulses: Calcium also plays an important role in muscle contraction and the transmission of nerve impulses.

-Enzyme activity: Calcium is involved in many enzymatic reactions in the body, thus contributing to important biochemical processes.

-Blood clotting: Calcium is also important for blood clotting and helps prevent injuries.

-Heart function: Calcium also plays an important role in regulating heart function and contributes to a healthy cardiovascular system.

It is important to consume sufficient amounts of calcium to support these functions and maintain good health.

Deficiency symptoms

If the intake of calcium is low with the diet for a long period of time or if, such as: B. when there is a lack of vitamin D, little calcium is absorbed in the intestine, the body breaks down bone mass. So he can maintain the concentration of calcium in the blood. The bone becomes unstable as a result of chronic deficiency, since the incorporation of calcium into the bone is disturbed, and calcium is additionally outsourced from the bone. Bone softening ultimately occurs, which is called osteomalacia in adults and rickets in children.

Foods with calcium

Calcium supplier No. 1 are milk and dairy products (with the exception of curd). Milk and yogurt contain approx. 120 mg per 100g, cheese approx. 400 to 900 mg per 100g (s. Table). Some vegetables such as broccoli, kale and arugula are also important suppliers of calcium, at> 80 mg per 100g. Mineral water can also be significant for calcium supply. A mineral water is allowed to be called rich in calcium if it contains more than 150 mg of calcium in 1 l (the calcium content is indicated on the label). Some nuts such as. B. Hazelnuts and Brazil nuts are rich in calcium at> 100 mg per 100g.

Daily Calcium Requirement

The recommended calcium intake is age-dependent. Because of the strong growth, adolescents aged 13 to 18 years need the most calcium with 1 200 mg per day, followed by children aged 10 to 12 years with 1 100 mg per day. The recommended calcium intake for adults is 1 000 mg per day.

For more information to determine your exact needs, see: https://www.dge.de/wissenschaft/referenzwerte/tool /

Is it possible to overdose calcium?

Vitamin B12 is very rarely referred to as an overdose, since normally the body either excretes excess vitamin B12 with the urine or absorbs it through the intestinal wall. Accordingly, hardly any side effects in an overdose are known. However, an overdose of vitamin B12 is possible in people suffering from leukemia, liver metastases or inflammation of the liver, as in hepatitis.

How are calcium and vitamin D related?

Calcium Can perform its functions well in the body only if the body at the same time sufficiently with Vitamin D Is taken care of. Because vitamin D promotes the absorption of calcium from the gastrointestinal tract into the blood, regulates the Calcium metabolism And promotes the incorporation of calcium into the bones.